Yoga May Reduce Fatigue, Inflammation in Breast Cancer...

28 January 2014

Researchers think improved sleep may be the key to benefits

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

That moment when . . . . .

27 January 2014
you're baking shortbread shoes and have a sudden inspiration to make a shortbread pancreas.  However, I’m still not quite sure how to bolus for pancreas consumption . . . . .

Visit my blog to read more.

Adults with Diabetes Need a Flu Shot: Experts

27 January 2014
Large Canadian study finds people with diabetes are more likely to get sick from flu, be hospitalized Source: HealthDay

Hospital discharge – why isn’t a picture is worth 1000...

27 January 2014
How do elderly patients and their caregivers leave the hospital?  Apparently with reams of paper that include post-hospital care instructions and medication lists.  In addition, a patient receives detailed verbal instructions from a nurse, perhaps for wound care, plus reminders to follow up with the doctor.  Note the 'best practice' outlined by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality -- more paper. Yet in the age of smartphone adoption by boomers – more than half of Pew responders ...
Mobile phone text message reminders of antipsychotic...

Mobile phone text message reminders of antipsychotic...

An article from the BMC Psychiatry journal

22 January 2014
From the article abstract: "Poor adherence to antipsychotic medication is a widespread problem, and the largest predictor of relapse in patients with psychosis. Electronic reminders are increasingly used to improve...
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