Use and Characteristics of Electronic Health Record...

21 January 2014
Source: National Center for Health Statistics

Many Asthma Patients Don't Stick to Treatment Plan,...

21 January 2014
Better communication with their doctors might improve outcomes, researchers say Source: HealthDay

Zest for Life Can Be a Moving Experience

21 January 2014
Happier seniors preserved their mobility in greater numbers than their glum peers, study found Source: HealthDay

Device upgrades -- the invasion of the body snatchers

19 January 2014
Unable to leave well enough alone – it’s UPGRADE time! Rant on. Perhaps you were one of those who just encountered Samsung/Verizon's pushed Android 4.3 – charmingly tagged ‘Jelly Bean’ --last week? You stared at the message ‘Accept Upgrade Now’ and murmured to yourself, how bad can it be? Ah, stupid. Multiple problems. Should have read the forums – something your average consumer does not do. If you did, it would not be reassuring, believe me. Verizon – the only direct and very well-paid ...

Experts Urge 'Seismic Shift' in Approach to Better U.S....

16 January 2014
Improving education, social services can help Americans live longer, healthier lives, panel says Source: HealthDay