In 2014, will technology for seniors be absorbed into...

14 January 2014
A long holiday stretch ends.  No, I’m not talking about Christmas decorations in shopping malls. The media frenzy that was CES 2014 may soon wane away. Although, not completely -- as I discover more articles. So let’s review: there were Silvers Summit exhibitors (6) and there were Digital Health (77).  CES health-related overall -- 170 per Mobile Health News – and that is counting "e-Cigarette makers that categorized themselves as Digital Health."  See one of a few cynical posts – where we ...

Parenthood for All? You've Got to Be Kid-Ding, Many Say

14 January 2014
Study finds no big difference in satisfaction levels between those who have children and those who don't Source: HealthDay

Children and Life Satisfaction

14 January 2014
Source: HealthDay -

Ten CES Technologies That Could Be Useful to Older Adults

8 January 2014
Last year, CES in Pajamas, this year CES from the kitchen.  Everyone who is anyone in the tech world wants to be at CES…well, almost everyone. Remember a 2012 health tech article called CES in Pajamas? This year, the Forbes article, I, Robot Journalist: Beaming into CES 2014 was a great use of the Beam (from Suitable Technologies) telepresence device, "a motorized stand that looks like an iPad glued to a Segway." The Forbes writer 'wanders' around the International CES show and sort-of ...

Mental Health and Heart Health

8 January 2014
Source: American Heart Association