The 59-second Digital Health pitch is too short for words

6 February 2014
The Digital Health investment frenzy is running out of superlatives. Words are crowd-funding out cliches – are we nearing a tipping point, reimagining, having a frictionless health experience, or becoming consumer cultural force. Watch this overview of the 59-second pitch – and wonder, have we seen such breathless entrepreneur energy and excitement since the days of the dot-com boom and browser wars?   Executives of these companies are practiced and smooth – eliminating needless words and ...

Controlling Blood Pressure, Cholesterol May Not Boost...

5 February 2014
Study found no effect, but longer-term trials may be needed to see a benefit, experts add Source: HealthDay

Diabetes Monster #DArtDay

3 February 2014
I’ve been in kind of a dark place lately - mostly where diabetes is concerned but kind of just in general too.  But I knew I didn’t want my 5th Annual Diabetes Art Day contribution to be too...

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SMS versus voice messaging to deliver Maternal,...

SMS versus voice messaging to deliver Maternal,...

An article from Global Health Science and Practice: doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-13-00155

2 February 2014
From the article objectives: To determine the difference in delivery success of health messages delivered through pushed SMS, pushed voice messages sent to personal phones, and voice messages retrieved from a...
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The real senior will be responsible for themselves

1 February 2014
What do we mean by senior? Well, it depends on where you stand and what you are reading. Looked through the Google glass lens of young adults, it’s everyone aged 50+ – the AARP market demographic – who might be considered a senior. Or perhaps it is age 65, when Medicare eligibility and public transit discounts appear. Age 65 is also the statistical baseline for longevity projections – 20 more years of life expectancy, with one in four projected to live past 90. Now mull over a new Pew global ...