Diabetic Dabs Winners . . . .

31 January 2014
I had so much fun reading the comments of how you all deal with those droplets of blood.  Lots of lickers out there, and lots of wiping on clothes / meter cases / the same tissue over and over...

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Patients May Have to Compete with Computers for Doctors'...

31 January 2014
Study of office visits found a third of physicians' time was spent with their eyes on the screen Source: HealthDay

Doctors May Need to Revise How They Evaluate Breast...

31 January 2014

One form of abnormal breast cells does not present lower risk after all, study finds

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Smartphone Apps for Diabetes: Do They Really Work?

30 January 2014
You can use them to count carbs, log blood sugar, but users say they're no substitute for patient knowledge and a doctor's careSource: HealthDay

Little Droplets Everywhere . . . . .

29 January 2014
It’s happened to me time and time again, and I’m willing to bet it’s happened to most of you too.  I test my blood sugar, like a good little PWD, and am rewarded for my efforts by finding a...

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