This Is Probably Why Half the Internet Shut Down Today...

21 October 2016

Twitter, Spotify and Reddit, and a huge swath of other websites were down or screwed up this morning. This was happening as hackers unleashed a large distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the servers of Dyn, a major DNS host. It’s probably safe to assume that the two situations are related.


Build Objective Confidence to Avoid the Egotism Trap

21 October 2016

Having confidence in your skills is essential to your success. Ego-driven bluster is less so. If you want to be confident but worry about becoming an egomaniac, focus on being objective.


The Scientific Reasons Why Introverts and Extroverts Are...

21 October 2016

The difference between introverts and extroverts isn’t as important as we make it out to be. As this video explains, though, there are some scientific reasons why some lean more towards one end of this spectrum or the other.


Stack Your Firewood Perfectly to Last the Winter With...

21 October 2016

In the wise words of notable Westerosi meteorologist Ned Stark, “Winter will be arriving soon.” If you’re planning to store firewood for the long haul, this graphic teaches you how to do it right.

