Having confidence in your skills is essential to your success. Ego-driven bluster is less so. If you want to be confident but worry about becoming an egomaniac, focus on being objective.
Deadspin BYU Commits Crime Against Football With Incredibly Futile Fake Punt | Jezebel Watch Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Try to Play Nice at the Al Smith Dinner | Sploid Learn Three Magic Tricks You Can Easily Do With a Pen | The Slot Joe Biden Thinks Donald Trump Is Literally Too Stupid to Know What He’s Doing |
The difference between introverts and extroverts isn’t as important as we make it out to be. As this video explains, though, there are some scientific reasons why some lean more towards one end of this spectrum or the other.
In the wise words of notable Westerosi meteorologist Ned Stark, “Winter will be arriving soon.” If you’re planning to store firewood for the long haul, this graphic teaches you how to do it right.
Howdy partners, and welcome back to a very cheesy episode of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I make whatever you want me to with my Anova.