Here's everything that goes into a massive international...

Here's everything that goes into a massive international...

24 October 2016
Sponsored by: Barkly - Make security something your users actually care about. Download the IT Pro's Guide to Raising Security Awareness.International travel can look pretty glamorous from the outside and certainly...
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The Secret to Better Broccoli Cheddar Soup: Add the...

23 October 2016

Some broccoli cheddar soups are just a sad bowl of nacho cheese with a few chunks of broccoli floating in it. For a more flavorful soup, the broccoli needs to be added in layers.


Build a Talking Radio That Reads Incoming Notifications...

23 October 2016

The idea of a machine that talks to you intelligently might be a ways off still, but Instructables user MisterM wanted to make a radio that’d announce general details throughout the day. To do this, he wired up a Raspberry Pi Zero to a text-to-speech engine, then tossed in a dose of If This Then That.


The Most Versatile Apple Cider Just Happens to Be the...

23 October 2016

Apple cider vinegar is a popular ingredient with a ton of uses. It adds punch to pork, tang to slaws and sauces, and some people even drink it. To find a widely available ACV that worked in a variety of applications, Cook’s Illustrated tested six different vinegars in a pan sauce, BBQ sauce, and coleslaw.


The Best Seat In the Movie Theater, According to a THX...

23 October 2016

If you’re going to pay for a trip to the movie, you may as well get the best seat you can. So, where is that seat? According to the way most theaters are set up, it will be two-thirds of the way back, in the center of the row.

