The Effects of Four Different Types of Meditation

21 October 2016

Meditation has real, practical benefits for your body and mind, but there are lots of types to try. Knowing the specific effects of each of these popular types of meditation can help you narrow down which ones may be best for you.


Make Tarts Without a Special Tart Pan with a Springform

21 October 2016

There seems to be an endless variety of baking equipment out there and—if you have a small kitchen like I do—buying every single pan out there just isn’t an option. I’ve let my lack of tart pan keep me from making tarts in the past, but no more; It turns out you can use a 9-inch springform.


Black Americans May Have Stronger Immune Response to...

21 October 2016

But that robust reaction might increase inflammation too much, researchers say

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Keep Your Patio Warm and Toasty All Winter With Today's...

21 October 2016

Just because it’s getting colder out doesn’t mean you have to batten down the hatches and abandon your patio: With these discounted gas heaters, you can enjoy your outdoor space all year round.


This Is Probably Why Half the Internet Shut Down Today...

21 October 2016

Twitter, Spotify and Reddit, and a huge swath of other websites were down or screwed up this morning. This was happening as hackers unleashed a large distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the servers of Dyn, a major DNS host. It’s probably safe to assume that the two situations are related.

