How to Get the Old Hangouts Chrome Extension Back

21 October 2016

Google recently changed the interface of the Hangouts extension for Chrome that makes it look a little more like its Android and iOS equivalents. It’s a nice update for some people, but others preferred the older style of floating windows. Here’s how to get the old interface back.


Drive Away With a Big Discount on the Anker Car Mount of...

21 October 2016

Anker’s charging hard after the smartphone car mount market, with a 30% off sale on six different mounts. All of the prices and promo codes are below, just be sure to keep your eyes on the road.


This Week's Most Popular Posts: October 14th to 21st

21 October 2016

This week we took a look at Google’s new Pixel phones and learned how to get their best features right now, guided parents through the fundamentals of Minecraft, figured out which iMessage apps are actually useful, researched local elections, and more. Here’s a look back.


This Table Shows If You Need USB-C or Quick...

21 October 2016

USB-Type C (or USB-C) ports are catching on fast with phones and laptops. Meanwhile, Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 3.0 technology promises faster charging of batteries, and in some cases even use USB-C connectors. What should you buy?


Hide from the rain this Friday Open Thread

21 October 2016

Hello Hackerspace (and Lifehacker) readers, and welcome to the weekly Hackerspace Friday open thread. What tips, tools, and hacks would you like to share? What tips, tools, and hacks would you like shared with you? And fun plans for the weekend? Or today? And what’s your favorite way to stay dry in a downpour?

