Top 10 Evil Ways to Use Technology

28 October 2016

Like other powerful tools, technology can be used for great good or for great evil. Learn how people use technology for wrongdoing so you can protect yourself—or use their tricks to actually do good. Here are the top 10 “evil” ways you can use technology.


Enhanced and Augmented Humans

Enhanced and Augmented Humans

Looking Forward to the Future of eSports

28 October 2016
No longer pigeonholed as simply “disabled” or “handicapped”, we are finally coming into a time where humans with different anatomies, mind-sets, and abilities, whether due to disease, injury,...
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Sneak Money Out of a Piggy Bank With a Butter Knife

28 October 2016

If you accidentally slipped a few too many coins in your piggy bank and don’t feel like breaking it open to get them back, use this trick instead.


Remains of the Day: Steam Is Having a Halloween Sale

28 October 2016

Steam is continuing their tradition of hosting seasonal sales in which wide swaths of games are discounted, and today they’re putting dozens of horror games on sale just in time for Halloween.


Build Your Own Wi-Fi Drone Disabler With a Raspberry Pi

28 October 2016

If you’re looking for an interesting project to work on this weekend, you can turn a Raspberry Pi into a device that will drop Wi-Fi controlled drones right out of the sky with just a tap of your finger.

