Facebook's Voting Guide Dishes Out a Personalized Voting...

28 October 2016

Facebook’s released a new election prep feature that hopes to help you find information on both the presidential election and local races.


Wear Flip Flops In The Rain

28 October 2016

It’s Fall in North America, and that means it’s probably about to rain where you live, or it just finished raining, or you’re reading this blog outside in the rain right now and your phone is all wet. Nobody likes to be all wet! That’s for fish. Avoiding wetness is why humans invented the raincoat, the umbrella, and Crocs. And yet, truly I say to you today: wear flip-flops in the rain.


This Spooky Spot the Difference Game Teaches Kids to...

28 October 2016

The Raspberry Pi is first and foremost a computer meant to get kids coding. Case in point, the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s guide to making a cool little Halloween-themed spot the difference game that hides a goofy little prank.


What Features Do You Want In Your Next Laptop?

28 October 2016

This past week Apple and Microsoft both announced their visions for new laptops (among other things). Both have different approaches, but we want to know, what features do you want from your next laptop?


This Week's Most Popular Posts: October 21st to 28th

28 October 2016

And so ends our seventh annual Evil Week on Lifehacker, when we walk the line between practical and pernicious to bring you tips from the darker side of life. Coincidentally (or not?) it was also a busy week in tech with both Microsoft and Apple unveiling new devices. Here’s a look back.

