How to Fix That Broken Chromecast Notification Facebook...

30 October 2016

If you’re using the Facebook app—and there are plenty of reasons not to—you might have noticed a weird, broken Chromecast notification in your shade recently. Here’s what’s causing it and how to fix it.


This Brioche Dough Is the Starting Point for...

30 October 2016

I love a breakfast pastry, but it has to be a savory breakfast pastry. Making my own has always seemed a little too “involved,” but this brioche recipe from Extra Crispy is not only super easy, it’s super customizable.


Evil Week Showdown: Cell Carriers vs. Cable Companies

30 October 2016

It’s time to wrap up Evil Week, and what better way than by pitting two of the most evil industries against each other. Today, we’re flipping our usual script upside down to find out who’s worse: cell carriers or cable companies.


No More Ransom Helps You Prevent and Recover from...

30 October 2016

Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and once your computer or network has been infected, it can be really difficult to recover. No More Ransom can help, and more importantly, help you now, before an infection, and later, after one.

