Charles Darwin once said that blushing is the most peculiar and most human of all expressions. While it’s definitely a common response to embarrassment, anger, or maybe one too many drinks, this video explains what’s happening in our body and how blushing can actually be kind of endearing.
Halloween is right around the corner—as in, some of you may be having spooky parties tonight, others may be saving them for the day proper. If you’re stuck without a costume, spooky decorations, or any prep at all, these tips can help.
If you don’t have a green thumb but want to liven up your home or office with some plants, it might be time to get aquatic. Aquatic plants can offer an interesting alternative to potted plants and, rather than using an aquarium, all you need is a jar. In other words, a “jarrarium.”
A programmable Crock-Pot, All-Clad skillets, and the Starship Enterprise lead off Saturday’s best deals.