A Haunted Hotel You Can Stay In, Endangered Dog Breeds,...

31 October 2016

This week we’re celebrating Halloween with some spooky stories, a trick-or-treat safety video from the 70s, endangered dog breeds and the market forces behind them, and why those preview ads before movies are called “trailers.”


Apple's desensitisation of the human race to fundamental...

Apple's desensitisation of the human race to fundamental...

31 October 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesMy son turned 7 earlier this month. I've been getting him into coding and teaching him the fundamentals of using a PC which I...
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Conceal Your Valuables at the Beach or Park With a Diaper

30 October 2016

It’s hard to keep an eye on your valuable belongings at the beach or park, especially if you’re by yourself. This simple trick disguises your stuff as something nobody would ever want to steal.


Use a Raspberry Pi to Power a LED-Based Record Finding...

30 October 2016

Have a bunch of records (or books, games, or any other media on a shelf)? Then you’ll want to check out Hackaday user Mike Smith’s organization project that allows him to find a specific record using the power of LED lights.


Delta's Shockingly Great H2Okinetic Shower Head Is Back...

30 October 2016

The shower head that came preinstalled in your home or apartment is probably terrible, but if you don’t have the cash to upgrade it to a Delta In2ition, the Delta 75152 is a fantastic option at under $20.

