Pana Is a Collaborative Travel Planning App With...

26 December 2016

Web/iOS: Travel planning apps are nothing new, but Pana has a couple of additional features that set it apart. For one, you can easily collaborate itineraries with other travelers. Even better, though, the app will automatically check you into flights to save some time.


Car Hacking Is a Thing, but Are You Really in Danger?

26 December 2016

With modern cars becoming more connected, with smarter features, hacking is a real danger. It’s rare, but it’s already happening. We’re not in the “stop your engine” world yet, but it’s easy to break into a car with keyless entry and steal everything inside without the owner ever knowing the car was unlocked.


Will It Sous Vide? Let's Pick Another Topic!

26 December 2016

Hello, my favorite friends, and welcome back to the last topic picking session of the year for Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I make whatever you want me to with my immersion circulator.


Amazon Is Marking Down The New York Times Best Sellers...

26 December 2016
Up to 80% off Select Kindle Books

If you’ve been dying to read some NYT Best Sellers (or, like me, just got a Kindle for Christmas and want to stockpile books on the cheap), Amazon is having another huge Kindle sale, in case you missed yesterday’s while opening gifts. Grab Dark Matter, Why Not Me? and more titles you’ve wanted to read but didn’t want to buy at full price for under $5.

