Make Crispy Quesadillas for a Crowd In Your Oven

24 December 2016

Making a quesadilla for one is a ridiculously easy task, but standing over the stove and preparing quesadilla after quesadilla for a hungry mob can be tedious and time consuming. To make a whole batch for a crowd, just grab a sheet pan and turn on your oven.


Soak Up Excess Fat from Saucy Dishes with Sliced Bread

24 December 2016

Let’s say you’ve just made a stew, soup, or something with a layer of fat swimming on top and you want to get rid of it. You can use the ice cube trick, spoon the fat out, or refrigerate it to harden the fat and remove later. Those are good options, but now you have another: skim the top with sliced bread to sop up that grease.


Top 10 Absolutely Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas

24 December 2016

There isn’t much time left—hours, in fact. Maybe you forgot something, or maybe there’s a surprise giftee on your list you didn’t know about a few days ago. Either way, here’s how to pull a rabbit from your hat and give them something great this year.


Use a White Balloon as a DIY Flash Diffuser When...

24 December 2016

Shooting photos using your camera’s built-in flash can lead to harshly lit, unflattering photos, but if you’re in a dark space you need something to light your subject. Try using a white balloon as a pocketable flash diffuser that you can have ready to use in seconds.

