Build Your Own New Year's Eve Countdown Clock With an...

26 December 2016

 If you really want to spice up a New Year’s Eve party, you don’t want to rely on some boring old TV announcer or phone to tell you the time. Over on Soldering Station, they show you how to build your own countdown clock. 


Seven Ways to Teach Kids How to Manage Money

26 December 2016

As adults, we’ve had a lifetime to learn how to manage our money and spend smart—but are we teaching our kids how to do the same? Finance may seem like a grown-up concept, but it’s never too early to start teaching your children about managing money.


Use the P.O.W.E.R. Technique to Recover Gracefully From...

26 December 2016

If you’re injured and can’t work out, recovery can be frustrating. Without exercise, you’re also missing one of your best stress-relieving outlets. The P.O.W.E.R. technique gives you a road map to manage your mind and body during this difficult time.


Use Up an Unwanted Heel of Bread by Grating It Into Crumbs

26 December 2016

Rather than letting the end of your loaf sit around and risk getting moldy, turn it into versatile, tasty breadcrumbs. All you need to do is grab it and grate it.


Why Understanding Food Serving Sizes Is Important for...

26 December 2016

If you want to lose weight, you need to get better at knowing how many calories you eat. With some foods, like peanut butter or ice cream, that’s actually really hard to do. Here’s why it’s important to be a little more accurate than “Eh, that looks like one serving” if you want to lose weight.

