CyanogenMod Is Dead, and Its Successor is Lineage OS

28 December 2016

CyanogenMod was the biggest, most widely used custom Android ROM. Now, it has been discontinued, due in part to internal conflicts within Cyanogen Inc. Don’t worry, though: A new fork of CyanogenMod called Lineage OS is taking up the mantle, and it will keep most of what you loved about CyanogenMod.


More Research Shows That the Snowball Method Is the Best...

28 December 2016

It makes logical sense to pay off your highest interest rate debts first. Yet research shows that paying off smaller balances is actually more effective. It’s a good reminder that making financial progress isn’t just about logic, it’s also about behavior.


The Easiest Home Espresso Machine Has Never Been Cheaper

28 December 2016
Nespresso Inissia C40 Bundle with Milk Frother, $93

Hands down, Nespresso is the easiest way to make decent espresso at home, and their space-saving Inissia model with included milk frother is down to $93 today on Amazon, the best price we’ve ever seen on the frother bundle.


How to Prepare Your Kitchen for the Tastiest New Year Ever

28 December 2016

Cooking and eating at home is one of the best ways to save money and eat nutritiously, but you need a clean and organized kitchen to do it effectively. Having a neat and tidy fridge and pantry makes it easier to see exactly what you have, meaning you’re able to craft better meals, and waste less food and money. Here are our best tips for getting your kitchen in fighting shape for the new year.

