Your Neglected Christmas Tree Is a Huge Fire Hazard

28 December 2016

If you haven’t watered your Christmas tree since you forgot about it on the 26th, now is the time to get it out of your house. Unwatered Christmas trees are a huge fire hazard, as this video from the National Fire Protection Association clearly shows.


Make Your Own File Uploader to Add Files to a Raspberry...

28 December 2016

For most modern computers, you can add a file from anywhere using a service like Dropbox or Google Drive. That doesn’t quite exist on a Raspberry Pi, but Instructables user audstanley put together a guide to make your own web uploader.


Cord Cutters Rejoice: This Discounted TiVo Roamio OTA...

28 December 2016
TiVo Roamio OTA 1TB, $315

The TiVo for cord cutters comes with lifetime service and a 1TB hard drive, and Amazon’s offering the first deal we’ve ever seen on it today.


Six Smart Ways to Use Up Leftover Holiday Ham

28 December 2016

If you had a ham this Christmas, chances are there is a little bit left over. You can use it to make sandwiches (obviously) but if you want to get a little more creative, here are some of my favorite uses for the slices of salty pork.


This Infographic Shows the Best Places to Store...

28 December 2016

Different types of food require different types of storage. Some vegetables just want to breath and be free, while others will only stay crisp in that special refrigerator door. Here’s a look at various types of foods and where you should store them in your kitchen.

