This Page Lets You Disable a Lot of Google's Activity...

26 September 2016

Google tracks a lot of your data. If you’re comfortable with that, it can make your life a little easier. If you’re not, it can be a pain to figure out how to turn it off. Fortunately, there’s one settings page where you can disable a lot of it.


How Media Coverage Alters Your Perceptions of...

26 September 2016

Tonight, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will take the stage for their first-ever direct debate. However, the media coverage you watch later may have a stronger impact on how you perceive the candidates afterwards.

Read more... Is Simple, Minimal, and Streams Music to...

26 September 2016

Music for productivity comes in various forms, but if you’re the type who enjoys non-vocal electronica in the background while you get stuff done, delivers. Best of all, it’s in a simple, minimal interface with few controls and no playlists or other tools to distract you.


The Monty Hall Problem Explained, Why Textbooks are So...

26 September 2016

This week we’re plotting a pinball-themed road trip across the country, looking at the most significant buildings of the past hundred years, and wrapping it all up with some adorable kittens, live streaming right now.

