Make Sure You're Recording People With Your Home...

24 September 2016

It’s never been easier to set up your own home security system. However, if your cameras can record audio, depending on your state you run afoul of wiretapping laws if you don’t have consent from people who visit your home.


You Don't Always Have to Preheat Your Oven

24 September 2016

Preheating the oven is something we all do without thinking, but this step can be eliminated in a lot of cases, saving you a bit of time and energy.


This Calculator Shows How Much Money You'll Save When...

24 September 2016

You already know all of the health risks of smoking. Friends and loved ones have nagged you to quit. But you haven’t been able to kick the habit. Perhaps this context will help renew your efforts: see the huge chunk of money you’ll save when you finally quit .


Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Daily Commute

24 September 2016

Your daily commute, whether you get behind the wheel and drive or hop on a bus or train and wait, doesn’t have to be sunk, wasted time. Whether you use it productively or just use it for a little solace, here are some great ways to make use of the downtime.

