Advancing Health IT and Preventing Data Blocking through...

26 September 2016

As we move to transform the health care system into one that delivers more coordinated care across various clinicians and providers, it is important that data is available to providers and patients when and where they need it. To achieve this goal of ensuring the flow of health data and, ultimately, better care, the country […]

The post Advancing Health IT and Preventing Data Blocking through Model Contract Language appeared first on Health IT Buzz.

A New Tool to Help Health Care Providers Get the Most...

26 September 2016

Today, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is releasing the Health IT Playbook to help make using health information technology (health IT) easier for providers so they can get the most out of their technology investment. The Playbook is a dynamic, web-based resource that builds on and updates the Patient […]

The post A New Tool to Help Health Care Providers Get the Most Out of their Health IT appeared first on Health IT Buzz.

Will it Sous Vide? Let's Pick Another Topic!

26 September 2016

Hey cats and kittens, and welcome back to another topic-picking session for Will it Sous Vide?, where you get to boss me and my immersion circulator around a bit.


How to Stream Tonight's First Presidential Debate...

26 September 2016

Tonight, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will meet for their first debate. Here’s how to tune in for free online, even if you don’t have cable.

