Friday Open Thread:  Mods Gone Wild

23 September 2016

Good day to you, friends! Another happy Friday is upon us and it’s time to spill our guts about what we do, whether it’s home projects, car projects, living in the projects, projecting ourselves on others, launching large projectiles, or just talking about life. It’s the Open Thread!


Can You Use Body Lotion to Moisturize Your Face?

23 September 2016

My college roommate and I stood worlds apart. She’d slap some body lotion on her face, as in lotion left over from her arms and legs, straight from the pump bottle. Meanwhile, I moisturized with special facial moisturizers . I thought she was doing more harm than good, but her method wasn’t as harmful as I thought.


Keep Chrome Web Pages From Jumping Around on Your...

23 September 2016

Android: If you use Chrome on your Android phone, you may have noticed a little quirk when you open a new tab. As the page loads, your pages will jump around. explains how to keep this from happening.


Ease into "Deliberate Learning" with the Five Hour Rule

23 September 2016

Deliberate learning, when you set aside time and effort specifically to learn, helps you make progress mastering a new skill because you’ve dedicated time to thinking and reflecting. But finding the time can be tough, so use the five hour rule, where you set aside five hours a week to better yourself, to ease into it.


Today's Best Deals: Socks, Shoes, SSDs, and More

23 September 2016

Amazon sales on socks and running shoes, plus discounted SSDs lead off Friday’s best deals.

