How to Stop Apple Pay from Popping Up When You...

23 September 2016

Apple Pay is neat, and as it get more and more integrated into iOS, there’s a good chance you’ve set it up to use in apps even if you never use it at stores. By default, Apple Pay pops up on the lock screen when you double-click the Home button. This can be annoying. Here’s how to stop it from happening.


Turn a Raspberry Pi Zero Into a Miniature Dongle Computer

23 September 2016

The Raspberry Pi Zero’s best feature is its size, but that comes at the cost of ports. DIYer Node figured out how to turn the Pi Zero into a dongle computer so it can tether itself directly to another computer’s network through USB, making it much easier to use.


Get a Killer Midday Workout on Your Wheeled Office Chair

23 September 2016

We’ve seen chair-based workouts before, but those just have you sit and step on a stationary chair. Trainer Kaisa Keranen amps up this idea with a quick workout that takes advantage of the best part of your office chair: the wheels.


This $34 Aluminum Stand Will Shrink to Accommodate Your...

23 September 2016

The market is littered with beautiful, minimal laptop stands from accessory design shops, but no matter how much you love yours, there’s no guarantee that your next laptop will fit properly. That’s where the iQunix Edin comes in.


Make Delicious Complex-Tasting Cocktails at Home With...

23 September 2016

Complex cocktails with five or more ingredients are certainly very popular, but you can get big flavor with just two ingredients by making what’s called a “50/50.”

