Seven Misconceptions About Creativity and How to Harness It

17 June 2016

We’ve all been there. That enchanting, mysterious moment when the muse strikes. Creativity is intoxicating. It’s frenetic. And — not to sound crass — it’s profitable. Unfortunately, creativity is also fickle: the more you chase it, the harder it is to catch.


Where to Sit on a Plane for the Most Peace and Quiet

17 June 2016

Window or aisle, front or back, we all have our airplane seat preferences. If you’re looking for a quiet flight, however, here’s where you should sit, according to a pilot.


Hello Hackerspace! This is your Friday Open Thread

17 June 2016

Happy Friday! For you living in Boston, Happy Bunker Hill Day and for those you you in Iceland, Happy Icelandic National Day! For the rest of you, it’s the end of the week and here on Hackerspace, the community run forum of lifehacker, it’s time to sit back, relax and hang out.


Modern Atlas Helps You Plan Your Trip and Learn About...

17 June 2016

iOS: Modern Atlas is one of many trip-planning apps that can organize what you want to see, do, and eat during your next vacation. Its focus is on the research portion, and gives you tons of information about your destination that you can use to plan the perfect trip.

