BitCam Is a Fun, Chunky, Low Resolution Camera for iPhone

18 June 2016

iPhone: We all know the iPhone can take great pictures. But what’s the fun in that? BitCam is a camera app that’s all about a pixelated retro feel.


You Don't Have to Quit Your Day Job to Be Happy

18 June 2016

Unless you have the best job you could possibly have, someone’s probably told you to quit so you can be happy. That’s great for some people, but it’s not the only way to make your life better.


Nope, Urine Is Not Sterile

18 June 2016

Urine consists of urea, water, sodium, potassium, and other chemical compounds. For a long time, people who watched too many survival shows and even doctors thought urine was germ-free. As it turns out, urine isn’t sterile when it leaves your body.


Top 10 Places to Get Stunning Desktop Wallpaper

18 June 2016

Whether you love switching out beautiful desktop wallpaper or you just want something minimal that you’re going to open windows over anyway, there’s no shortage of great places to find something to dress up your desktop. Let’s look at some of the best.


Check Your Ticketmaster Account, You Probably Have Free...

18 June 2016

Last month, Ticketmaster settled a $400 million class action lawsuit over its exorbitant fees. This month, they’re paying it out—in the form of discount codes and vouchers. Chances are, you have a free show or two sitting in your inbox.

