Improve Your Yoga With These Suspension Trainer Moves

17 June 2016

If you’ve attempted tricky yoga moves, you know all about tools like blocks and straps that can help you get closer to a pose that you can’t quite do on your own—yet. Now Greatist shows us another way of mastering challenging moves: with a suspension trainer.


Simple Ways to Keep Pets Out of, or Safe Around, Your Garden

17 June 2016

By now, your garden should be in pretty good condition, but if you need a hand keeping your furry companion out of it—or you didn’t plant this year because you were worried about it—these suggestions from HomeAdvisor can help.


Do Not Trust Dealers That Guarantee A Minimum Price For...

17 June 2016

You’ve heard the commercials: “We will give you a minimum of $500 for your trade no matter the condition!” This is usually just a shell game to get you to pay more for the car you are buying, and dealers that advertise this way should probably be avoided.


Fill the Frame With Your Subject For Better Portraits 

17 June 2016

Many of us amateur photographers don’t bother perfecting the composition of a portrait while we’re shooting because we can just crop the photo after the fact. But as photographer and educator Joe Edelman points out, if you aren’t filling the frame with your subject, you’re just wasting your camera’s precious pixels.


Why You Should Skip the Pre-Rinse Before Loading Your...

17 June 2016

Most of us are in the habit of rinsing our dishes before stacking them in the dishwasher. Aside from saving time and water, there’s another reason to skip the rinse: it could actually keep your dishes from getting clean.

