The Cardio Playlist

16 June 2016

When you’ve got to get your cardio in for the day, nothing gets you ready for it like a high-energy playlist. Today’s playlist is perfect to take on your next run.


Revisiting the 'Latte Factor' and the Power of Daily...

16 June 2016

One of the most discussed concepts in personal finance is the “Latte Factor,” an idea first popularized by the personal finance writer and speaker David Bach. The idea, in a nutshell, is that you can achieve a great deal of personal finance success by finding small things to cut in your life, and he used the example of a daily latte that one might purchase at a coffee shop, hence the name “Latte Factor.”


Three Theories of Why You Dance When You Have to Pee

16 June 2016

The pee dance is an ancient tradition. You’re waiting for the bathroom, and for some reason you start wiggling around. The How to Do Everything podcast spoke with Dr. Peter Lechman to take a look at some of the theories of why we do this weird behavior.


Tell a Story to Generate More Reactions During a Negotiation

16 June 2016

Negotiating anything is a complicated process, but it’s no secret that the more information you have, the better. That includes information about how the other person is feeling about a topic. Harvard Business Review points out that one way to get that info is to tell a story and look for facial expressions.

