This $14 Remote Makes Text Entry Bearable On Your PS4 or...

15 June 2016

I would say that prisons should replace solitary confinement with a program that forces inmates to repeatedly enter account passwords using a game controller and onscreen keyboard, but I think it might be even more inhumane. If you’re still subjecting yourself to the same treatment, do yourself a favor and pick up this $14 wireless keyboard/trackpad remote. It’s kind of ugly looking, but it’ll get the job done on your PS4, Xbox One, or home theater PC.


Make Living With Slobs Easier by Declaring Clean and...

15 June 2016

You may not like living with a slob, but nobody likes living with a cleaning nag either. Dedicating specific parts of your home to be either clean or messy areas will help both of you reach an agreement.


Dab a Coating of Petroleum Jelly on Glue Caps to Keep...

15 June 2016

If you have any type of strong adhesive, there’s a good change the cap’s stuck on there tight because you didn’t bother to clean off the nozzle the last time you used it. Rockler reminds us that a little petroleum jelly can solve this problem.


Prep For Your Next Road Trip With a $4 Smartphone Vent...

15 June 2016

Vent-mounted magnets have emerged as the most popular method of attaching your smartphone to your dashboard, and two different mounts from TechMatte are on sale for all-time low prices today.


Remind Yourself of Meetings with a Flashing Light and a...

15 June 2016

If you find yourself ignoring notifications and alarms about meetings, you might need something a little more in-your-face. Make offers just that, with a flashing alarm that’s hard to ignore.

