Evernote is crippling their free service, here's how to...

Evernote is crippling their free service, here's how to...

29 June 2016
I've been using Evernote for about 6 years now. Nothing heavy duty, just basic notes that I collect around things like conference talk ideas, code snippets some recipes I often make and other rather mundane things....
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The Chalkboard Wall Workspace

28 June 2016

Over on Flickr, Razan sent in her workspace, where she handles her day job, her passion (photography), and of course, where she relaxes. The space also has to double has her bedroom, so space is a premium—but check out that chalkboard wall. Here are some more photos.


Seven Foods You Can Eat to Neutralize Garlic Breath

28 June 2016

A bad case of garlic breath can ruin a date, even if you both have it. These foods, if eaten after a garlic-y dish, might be able to save the day.


Remains of the Day: Windows 10 Anniversary Update to...

28 June 2016

Ever hit send before you finished writing a message? Microsoft apparently did that today when they accidentally announced the release date for the upcoming ‘anniversary’ update to Windows 10—unless they change their mind.


The Mental Trick Pro Athletes Use for Better Portion Control

28 June 2016

If you’re trying to develop a healthier diet, learning to manage your portions is an important step. This simple rule of thumb from a nutritionist who works with pro athletes can make visualizing appropriate portions easier.

