$29 off $100 at Fandango, $70 Fitbit Charge HR, and More...

30 June 2016

From now until 3PM PT (6PM ET), eBay is taking $15 off any $75 order (with a few exclusions) when you check out with Paypal and use code CRUISEN2SUMMER at checkout. That includes gift cards (other than eBay gift cards), so there’s really no reason not to take advantage.


The Foods That Are Most Dangerous to Dogs, and Why

30 June 2016

You probably know you shouldn’t feed chocolate to your dog—but maybe your dog got into your candy stash anyway, and came out fine. Meanwhile, your vet is more concerned that you admit to feeding him raisins. Confused? Let’s take a look at what the dangers really are.


This Push-Up Yoga Move Combination Builds Strength and...

30 June 2016

Push-ups are awesome for building upper body strength; the downward dog is equally great for stretching your calves, shoulders, and a few other areas. Combine them and you’ve got a great warm-up or “rest day” movement that helps increase range of motion in your upper back, while getting you stronger.


Android N's Official Name Will Be Android Nougat

30 June 2016

Google announced this morning that the next version of Android, codenamed Android N, will officially be Android Nougat, and not Nutella, as most people suspected.


How to Jump Ship From Evernote and Take Your Data With You

30 June 2016

Earlier this week , Evernote announced its subscriptions are getting more expensive and free users are now limited to just two devices. For the scores of existing users, that little restriction and that price increase are a big pain. Thankfully, you have other options.

