Webinar: Analyzing and Using RDoC Data in Your Research

Webinar: Analyzing and Using RDoC Data in Your Research

30 June 2016
Webinar: Analyzing and Using RDoC Data in Your ResearchOn May 10, 2016, the NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Unit hosted a webinar featuring three NIMH-funded researchers discussing how to analyze and integrate...
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How’d You Do During June’s Money Challenge?

30 June 2016

This month, we challenged you to haggle. Haggling doesn’t come easy for a lot of us, but you may be surprised at how much you can save if you speak up. If you accepted our challenge, tell us how you did.


Secure Trash Bags in the Can with Binder Clips

30 June 2016

We all know what it’s like to toss trash into the can and have the bag slip down, forcing us to reach into the garbage to fix it. Make that gross reach a thing of the past with a few binder clips to keep the bag anchored in place.


Add Lemonade to Your Cold Brew for a Summery Caffeine Boost

30 June 2016

Lemonade mixed with iced tea—known as an “Arnold Palmer”— is perhaps the ultimate in summertime refreshment, but there’s a new lemony caffeinated concoction in town, and you make it with cold brewed coffee.

