Research the Drone Flight Laws In Your Country With This...

30 June 2016

We’ve talked at length about how to legally and safely fly your drone in the United States. Globally, however, the rules can vary quite a bit. This guide helps you find out what the rules are in your country.


Live By the Five Hour Rule to Always Keep Learning New...

30 June 2016

Learning or practicing new skills is so important, it’s hard to ignore how vital it is to a successful career. To keep your educational momentum going throughout your life, give yourself five hours a week to learn something new or practice a skill.


AutoArduino Lets You Control Your Arduino Projects From...

30 June 2016

Android: As if Tasker’s plugins weren’t powerful enough, the developer behind popular plugins like AutoVoice and AutoInput has released a new plugin that lets you control an Arduino from Tasker.


How I Got Over My Fear of Investing and Started Saving...

30 June 2016

Growing up, I figured investing was something super rich people did because they had money to burn. It intimidated me, but I figured I’d never have to worry about it. Turns out, investing is for the rest of us, too, and it’s actually important if you want to grow your net worth—even if you’re not a billionaire.


The Faded Getaway Desktop

29 June 2016

Ciysco submitted this customized desktop to our Desktop Showcase, and we love it. Good wallpaper, faded app launcher in the corner, and a visualizer. It looks sharp—here’s how you can make it your own.

