What Hiring Managers Really Ask When They Call Your...

19 September 2016

Every part of the interview process can feel tenuous. Here are a few thoughts I’ve had during interviews which I’m willing to bet have crossed your mind at some point, too: If I wear the wrong outfit to the first interview, I’ll get made fun of relentlessly. If I say something stupid during my final interview, the jig will be up—and nobody will ever hire me. And if my references don’t come through with glowing reviews, all the hard work I’ve done to get to this stage will be wasted.


Mount a GoPro to Your DSLR Camera With A Couple of Cheap...

19 September 2016

If you have a GoPro and a DSLR camera, you may want to use both of them at the same time to capture different angles or get fun behind-the-scenes shots. With a couple of inexpensive attachments, you can connect your GoPro to your camera’s hot shoe.


Register Now to Vote in U.S. Elections If You’re...

19 September 2016

There’s a lot to do when getting ready to study abroad , so registering to vote could easily slip your mind. If you’re studying abroad this fall, here’s how you can register now to vote in the upcoming November U.S. presidential elections.


Will it Sous Vide? Let's Pick Another Topic!

19 September 2016

Hey sous vide fans, and welcome back to another topic-picking session for Will it Sous Vide?, the weekly column where you tell me what to cook with my Anova.

