Safely Tie Fishing Hooks With an Empty Dental Floss...

19 September 2016

Fish hooks can be dangerous to work with, especially if you’re inexperienced. An empty dental floss dispenser can keep the pointy, barbed end away from your fingers while you tie on your line.


Pre-Job Interview Small Talk Matters More Than You Think

19 September 2016

Those awkward moments when you chat about the weather or news with your interviewers before they start asking questions aren’t just them trying to be nice. Turns out the gift of gab might get you a gig.


Don’t Think About What You Want, Think About What It...

19 September 2016

One of the easiest personal finance tips out there is to simply stop wanting more stuff. It’s simple, but it’s true–if you had an easy way to basically eliminate your desire to acquire anything new aside from things to cover your barest needs, personal finance would become incredibly easy. Sadly, humans don’t work that way.


Get a Dozen Free Krispy Kreme Donuts Today by Using a...

19 September 2016

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day for some reason. While fake holidays like this are usually pretty silly, they’re awesome when you can get free stuff for no reason. Like donuts.


Airmail for iPhone Gets a Bunch of iOS 10 Integration...

19 September 2016

iPhone: iOS 10 brought a ton of great new features and it opened things up to third-party apps. Airmail, one of the best iPhone email apps , is taking advantage of those new features with an update today.

