Support Loved Ones The Way They Would Support You

19 September 2016

We all express and feel love differently, and that can be problematic in relationships. As the School of Life points out, we often help and support our loved ones based on what we think they need rather than what they actually need in their moment of distress.


This Two-Minute Video Is A Basic Guide To Meditation

19 September 2016

Meditation is a simple exercise with all sorts of productivity and health benefits. If you’ve never done it before, this video does an excellent job of breaking down the basics.


What's Your Favorite Pillow?

19 September 2016

Pillow comfort is certainly a matter of personal taste , but considering you (hopefully) spend eight hours a day in bed, it’s worth investing in one you really love. So to that end, we’re hoping to learn more about where our readers lay their heads at night. Check out the rules below, then head down to the comments for this week’s pillow fight.


What “Net Calories” Really Means

19 September 2016

When you track calories to try to lose weight , some apps try to be helpful by giving you “net calories,” a number that takes your food and exercise into account. But this can be supremely confusing, and to make it worse, each app calculates it in their own way.


Google Trips Personalizes and Automates Your Travel...

19 September 2016

iOS/Android: Google has been tiptoeing the travel game for a while now with useful tools like Google Flights and their hotel search function. Today, they completely jumped in with a new app that manages and helps plan your trip from start to finish.

