What Self-Driving Cars Can Teach Us About Better Driving

20 September 2016

So far, self-driving cars have a safer driving track record than most humans. This seems impressive, but part of the reason is because we suck at driving. We’re in a hurry, we get angry, and we take unnecessary risks. In those areas, self-driving cars have a few things they could teach us.


Car Jump Starter + External Battery Pack + Hammer +...

20 September 2016

This jump starter for your car is also an emergency hammer, 11000mAh external battery pack, and LED flashlight. It’s also only $30 today with code AVJ9ZMGD, which is one of the best prices we’ve ever seen on any portable jump starter.


Lower Your iMessage Image Quality to Free Up Space and...

20 September 2016

Messages can take up a lot of space on your iPhone. It’s simple enough to go in and delete old messages (and the photos that came with them) to free up space. However, there’s another option: lower your image quality and size to begin with.


Turn Leftover Cans into a DIY Wine Rack

20 September 2016

If you have a couple large metal cans in your recycling bin maybe from beans, soup, or canned tomatoes, wash them out and turn them into a wine rack. You’ll have a new place to store your wine with just a few minutes of work, and while the look isn’t for everyone, it’s definitely easy to make.

