Spot Ghosts with a Raspberry Pi-Powered Ghost Camera

26 October 2016

Ghosts are annoying, so if you want to catch them this holiday season, DIYer TeCoEd has a guide for making a ghost hunting camera using a Raspberry Pi.


Pocket's New Explore Tab Makes It Easier to Find New...

26 October 2016

Pocket’s one of the best bookmarking services, but if you don’t have a ton of stuff saved in it already, it’s a little tough to find new articles to read. Now, the site has a new Explore tab that should make that a little easier.


Turkey Trot Throwdown, Week 4: Boost Your Strength

26 October 2016

Sick of running yet? We hope you’re not, but either way, here’s a new challenge for you. We’re going to do a mini strength workout that is not tied to running. You can even work out indoors if you haven’t adjusted to the chilly weather yet.


The Calendar Service in macOS Server Is a Surprisingly...

26 October 2016

At $20, macOS Server is one of those unsung bit of software that most of us have absolutely no use for, but has a slew of neat little features. Over at Macworld, they dig into the Calendar function, which is easy to set up and use, then keeps your data as private as possible.

