Prevent Pita Pocket Spills With a Little Reinforcement

26 October 2016

Pita sandwiches shouldn’t be that difficult to eat. After all, pita bread is an edible pocket, but the bottom can get soggy, and stuff falls out, and then your lunch is ruined. Luckily, this all easily preventable, as the pita can be reinforced with a bit of itself.


Findo Searches All Your Cloud Data to Help You Find a...

26 October 2016

One of the pitfalls of having so many options to store your data in the cloud is that you end up with files and documents spread across a dozen different sites. It gets difficult to remember where anything is saved since you can’t search them all at once. Findo aims to change that.


Everything Microsoft Announced at Its Windows 10 Event...

26 October 2016

Today, Microsoft announced the new Surface Studio all-in-one desktop, an upgraded Surface Book, and another Windows 10 update coming this Spring. Here are all the important details you need to know.


These Are Your Favorite Wireless Routers

26 October 2016

After hundreds of comments and dozens of recommendations, two competitors dominated the conversation in our hunt for the best wireless router. But there can only be one champion, so check out the competitors below, and then vote for your favorite at the bottom of this post.


How to Obtain Raw Milk, the Best Eggs, and Other...

26 October 2016

Lots of things, including food, are a little more fun when they’re illicit, and I’ve always been of the opinion that you should be able to put whatever you want in your body, because it’s yours to eff up. While consuming raw dairy, unrefrigerated eggs, and horse meat isn’t technically illegal, the purchasing of it can be a little shady, and we’re here to show you how to get the goods.

