Use the “Pick Two” Rule to Watch Your Calories When...

27 October 2016

Staying on that healthy eating train sure is difficult when you’re dining out and everything sounds amazing. Rather than depriving yourself or blowing off the hinges to a full-on cheat meal, just limit yourself by picking only two things you’d really want to eat.


Stick to a Weekly Routine to Add Flexibility to Your...

27 October 2016

Having a daily routine helps you develop good habits and stick to your goals. If you have a hectic schedule, though, forcing certain types of work into every day can be counterproductive. Instead, build a weekly schedule.


Everyone Can Afford a Clicky Mechanical Keyboard With...

27 October 2016

You’ve probably heard a lot of fuss about mechanical keyboards lately, and if not, you’ve at least heard the clicking coming from a nearby desk. If you’re curious to try one yourself without dropping a bunch of money, we’ve got deals on two different models for under $50 today.


Swappa Changes Its $10 Flat Fee to a Sliding Scale Based...

27 October 2016

For buying and selling used phones, we’ve always preferred Swappa. It specializes in selling phones that have been approved by staff to make sure that you get a reliable phone, not a piece of junk. Now, this site is changing its fee structure.


Why You Shouldn't Pop Your Zits

27 October 2016

Zits are annoying and they tend to pop up at the absolute worst time. Before you try to pop them, though, check out this video for some better ways to get rid of acne.

