Get the Last Word by Sending Your Enemies an Actual Bag...

27 October 2016

“Eat a bag (or bowl) of dicks” is one of my favorite insults ever but, until very recently, it’s been used in a mostly hyperbolic sense. That’s all about to change though, as you can now send a bag of gummy dicks to anyone, with instructions on what you’d like them to do with them.


All Fears Are the Same Fear

27 October 2016

Whether you’re afraid of public speaking, tiny enclosed spaces, or massive crowds, they can all be traced back to one, truly specific fear: the fear of death. They may be nuanced, and have their own diagnoses, and they may be treated differently, but at the end of the day, it’s all the same fear.


Use the “Pick Two” Rule to Watch Your Calories When...

27 October 2016

Staying on that healthy eating train sure is difficult when you’re dining out and everything sounds amazing. Rather than depriving yourself or blowing off the hinges to a full-on cheat meal, just limit yourself by picking only two things you’d really want to eat.


Stick to a Weekly Routine to Add Flexibility to Your...

27 October 2016

Having a daily routine helps you develop good habits and stick to your goals. If you have a hectic schedule, though, forcing certain types of work into every day can be counterproductive. Instead, build a weekly schedule.

