Four Hearing Technology Products Announced During 2013

19 November 2013
For older adults with hearing loss – there’s new technology in 2013.  Older adults, especially in the older age ranges (47% of those aged 75+), have a greater likelihood of hearing loss. On the positive side, they also have more choices today in terms of technologies (at multiple price points) to cope with various degrees and types of hearing loss. Confronting hearing loss is generally deemed essential to combat the social isolation -- and possible decline in cognitive skills -- that may ...

Use of Breast MRIs Way Up, Studies Find

19 November 2013

But many high-risk women who should get scanned don't, experts add

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Breast MRI Trends

19 November 2013
Source: HealthDay - Video

Women with Asthma May Take Longer to Get Pregnant

15 November 2013
They ultimately had same number of children as women without the respiratory conditionSource: HealthDay

Family Support Key to Diabetes Prevention, Management

15 November 2013
Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases -