Hormone Levels May Help Predict Breast Cancer Risk,...

30 October 2013

Higher blood concentrations of testosterone, estrogens seem tied to higher odds for the disease

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Breast Cancer and Personal Growth

30 October 2013
Source: HealthDay - Video

Radiation for Breast Cancer May Raise Heart Risks

29 October 2013

But experts say risk of cancer recurrence outweighs small chance of heart disease years later

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Our connected health selves are not quite there

28 October 2013
Enthusiasm is plentiful -- broad deployment is harder to find. For some topics, it may not be that important what year this is or what health-related event we attend – the lamentations are the same. I have been lurking around the Connected Health Symposium for a number of years – and when it is all said (and said and said again), investment in consumer health tech is at crazed levels, but actual healthcare system utilization is still hard to find. Prowling the sparsely-planted exhibit hall ...

After Breast Cancer Surgery, Patient Assistance Programs...

28 October 2013

Study found women who turned to these programs were more likely to receive other needed treatments

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay