Study Compares Treatments for Arm Swelling Due to Breast...

25 November 2013
Costly massages worked no better than simple compression bandages
Source: HealthDay

Who knows technology adoption of the real seniors --...

24 November 2013
Accenture exaggerates wildly -- but what should we think?   Rant on. Accenture, seeing a void of 'information' to use to gain new clients, put out an obfuscating headline in a press release last week that precipitates pause. More than pause -- the need for a willing suspension of disbelief: Tech-Savvy Seniors Seek Digital Tools to Manage their Health.  To generate that headline, they surveyed 9015 adults internationally, including the US -- and, get this, of those, they included 200 aged 65+ ...

Medications for the Risk Reduction of Primary Breast...

20 November 2013
Source: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force - PDF

Chelation Therapy Reduces Cardiovascular Events for...

20 November 2013
Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine -

Social Security and the calculators of our lives

19 November 2013
Every day, in every way, see advice about Social Security.  It must be the most frequently asked question of all time. The NY Times ran a Money column this past weekend – probably the thousandth time they’ve run the exact same piece of advice. Wait to take Social Security until you’re 70.  Pay a bit of attention to the nearly 400 comments that wrestle the writer down – pretty much saying to take it when you’re eligible. And that’s interesting when you look at the data the writer included, ...