You Don't Have To Buy A New Car To Use Android Auto Now...

7 November 2016

If you’re like me and you need to use Google Maps to navigate everywhere, including the Jimmy John’s that’s only 1.3 miles away and, like me, you don’t drive a car compatible with Android Auto, you should go ahead and download it right now anyway. That’s because it’s now available to use on your phone, and it’s flipping fantastic.


Gmail for iPhone Gets a New Look, Swipe Gestures, Undo...

7 November 2016

iPhone/iPad: Google’s pushed out a long overdo update for its Gmail app on iPhone with a bunch of new features. It’s now all in on Google’s Material Design, and brings a few features Android users have had for a long time.


Get a Sense of a City by Finding High Viewing Spots

7 November 2016

You have so many options to immerse yourself in a city when traveling, but the best way get a sense of a city’s unique vibe—not to mention see its layout and boost your sense of direction—is to find a high viewing spot that overlooks most of the city.


Will It Sous Vide? Let's Pick Another Topic!

7 November 2016

Hey, my beautiful babies, and welcome back to another topic-picking session for Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I make whatever you want me to with my immersion circulator.

