Amazon's Blowing Out Refurbished Kindles With A Pair of...

8 November 2016

As long as you don’t mind buying refurbs (and considering they come with a standard warranty, you shouldn’t), Amazon’s offering some incredible Kindle e-reader discounts today.


The Sleep With Me Podcast Tells Awesome, Boring Bedtime...

8 November 2016

You’d think we’d all be sleep champs of the world by now, but alas, many of us still have trouble falling asleep, despite our best efforts. The last thing you’d probably want is to listen to a podcast while you try to sleep. But Sleep With Me is different; it’s designed to put you to sleep.


Everything You Need to Navigate the Polls on Election Day

8 November 2016

We’ve posted quite a bit of useful material leading up to today’s historic election, but if you missed out, or have a little time to study up while you wait to cast your ballot, here’s a quick rundown—and some tips to help you make an informed decision.


This Mortgage Calculator Shows You How Much You’ll Pay...

8 November 2016

Web/iOS/Android: Most mortgage calculators will tell you how much your monthly payment will be or even how much total interest you’ll pay each month compared to the principal. This calculator shows you that, but it includes more detailed information on how much you’ll pay over time, too.


Play “Shiritori”to Brainstorm New and Creative Ideas

8 November 2016

Putting limits on your brainstorming may seem counterproductive, but it actually helps you get your ideas flowing. The Japanese game of shiritori is an easy way to guide your brainstorming session, whether you’re looking for ideas for a new project, book, or physical product.

