Build This Flowchart to Overcome Procrastination

13 December 2016

Psychologist Dr. Patrick Keelan has a series of questions to ask yourself when you feel stuck with your work. These four questions can act as a flowchart to help you beat procrastination and be productive again.


Think of Happiness as a Crucial Part of Success, Not the...

13 December 2016

Most of us tend to think about success in terms of working hard to accomplish something in order to find happiness. Neil Pasricha, author of The Happiness Equation, makes the case for the opposite: start with happiness, then use it to accomplish your goals.


What to Include in a Condolence Note, and When to Send One

13 December 2016

Knowing what to say when someone you know has suffered the loss of a loved one is tough, especially if you’re stuck sending a card or note when tone can be hard to convey. Here’s what to say to bring comfort during an overwhelming time.


Measure and Separate Out Your Ingredients In Advance If...

13 December 2016

Baking with friends is one of my favorite holiday activities, but cooking in someone else’s home can put me slightly out of sorts. Not only are other people distracting, but I don’t quite trust the measuring cups of others. Luckily, there is an elegant solution: pre-measure your ingredients beforehand in your kitchen.

