Make a Voice Controlled Clock and Timer with an Arduino

13 December 2016

You have a timer and clock in just about every single device out there these days, but if you want to build you own, Instructables user GeraldF6 shows you how to do so with a Arduino.


Dataplicity Drastically Simplifies Remote Management of...

13 December 2016

Typically, if you wanted to control your Raspberry Pi from outside your network, you’d need to go through and set up your router to allow access from the internet, install some software on your Pi, set up a DNS server, and cross your fingers you’re doing that all securely. Dataplicity makes this a heck of a lot easier.


Search for Messages in Gmail by Date and a Specific Time

13 December 2016

When you’re searching for a specific email, any type of search parameter that can help you find a message is useful. Digital Inspiration shows off how to really focus your search with an undocumented Gmail search trick that lets you look for emails from a specific time.


This Smartphone Dry Bag Is a Great $5 Stocking Stuffer

13 December 2016
YOSH Smartphone Dry Bag, $5 with code I9YDJD9U

Sure, it’s a little bit out of season, but at $5, this smartphone dry bag (with nearly 3,000 reviews!) would make a great stocking stuffer.


Jazz Up a Bottle of Wine With These Festive Printable...

13 December 2016

A bottle of wine is by no means an unwelcome gift, but it can feel a little plain. To spruce up an otherwise unadorned bottle, print out a one (or more) of these festive gift tags.

