This Free 2017 Calendar Is Perfect for the “Don’t Break...

14 December 2016

The famous “Don’t Break the Chain” productivity system has many followers. If you want to start a new habit in 2017, Just Use A Pen has a custom calendar made for the habit-building technique.


The Best Free Online Courses to Help With Your Finances

14 December 2016

You don’t have to learn everything about money at once, but a course can teach you a lot of useful information at a reasonable pace. Especially if you never learned personal finance to begin with, a course will help you get up to speed on the basics. Here are some of the best personal finance courses available. Even better, they’re all free.


The Most Popular Mac Downloads and Posts of 2016

13 December 2016

This year, Apple gave Mac users an updated operating system and a new naming scheme with macOS Sierra, but our best Mac posts run through a gamut of topics. Here are some of our best Mac posts from the year.


Make a Solar Powered Survival Water Filter Out of Two...

13 December 2016

If you need to filter some water for drinking or cooking, this DIY solution uses the power of the sun.


Remains of the Day: Apple Removes 'Time Remaining'...

13 December 2016

Apple’s most recent update to macOS removes the “time remaining” battery life estimate that many use to gauge their usage. They removed the estimate because it wasn’t accurately keeping pace with variable usage, and only a battery life estimate remains. That and more in the news.

