Ask Dr. Nerdlove: Her Clingy Guy Friend Won't Leave Us Alone

29 December 2016

Hello, all you electric blue sex-angels of the Twitternet. Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the dating column that promises to introduce 2017 to the Chair Leg of Truth if it acts at all like its older brother.


Why Being Warm Is Better Than Just Being Polite

29 December 2016

Part of making real, meaningful connections with others is making them feel welcome, which includes being polite. But, the real key is being warm, which goes beyond just giving people what they need, or treating them with basic respect. Here’s what we mean.


Ring in the New Year With a Festive Champagne Bar

29 December 2016

I don’t always stay up until the stroke of midnight on New Year’s, but you can bet your buns I am this year, if only to watch 2016 die (and make sure it stays dead). I assume most of you will be doing the same, so why not do so in style, with a fancy, festive champagne bar?


Don’t Let Your “Body Type” Dictate What You Can or Can’t Do

29 December 2016

Everybody has a somatotype, or a genetic body type, that predicts their aptitude for certain fitness activities and goals. Knowing your somatotype might be good information to have, but don’t put too much stock in it. You’ll only limit yourself.

