How the Harsh Cold of Winter Can Actually Help You Lose...

29 December 2016

Feeling so cold you shiver is an awful, horrible experience, but there’s a hidden perk. Shivering can actually burn some calories through the magic of biochemistry.


What You Should Reflect On When You Look Back at the...

29 December 2016

The end of the year is a time for reflection. We all have ups and downs, but a recent study suggests you’ll be happier if you keep your walk down memory lane focused on a few specific types of memories.


A Quick Guide to Understanding Your Credit Card's APR

29 December 2016

When applying for a new credit card, most people will pay close attention to several different things. It could be the signup bonus or the rewards they can earn. But the one thing that should always be on your radar is the effective annual percentage rate, or APR, on the card.


Duolingo Adds Clubs to Make Language Learning More...

29 December 2016

Android/iPhone: Duolingo is easily one of the most popular language learning tools, and today it’s been updated with a new club feature where you can pair up with friends to compete at learning new skills.


Juice Gives Your MacBook a Customizable Battery Life...

29 December 2016

Mac: Apple might have pulled the battery life indicator out of the MacBook, but there are plenty of third-party ways to bring it back. If you’re looking for something a little more fun than just a number, Juice let’s you set your own customizable icons for different battery levels.

