Using Social Media to Perform Local Influenza...

Using Social Media to Perform Local Influenza...

An article published in the JMIR Public Health Surveillance

29 May 2015
From the article objective: "The objective of this study was to analyze the efficacy of flu surveillance from combining data from the websites Google Flu Trends and HealthTweets at the local level." mFHAST...
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Speed and accuracy of text-messaging emergency...

Speed and accuracy of text-messaging emergency...

An article from the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare

29 May 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "Currently, transmission of electrocardiograms (EKGs) from a small emergency department (ED) to specialists at referral hospitals can be a time-consuming and laborious process. We...
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Digital mobile technology facilitates HIPAA-sensitive...

Digital mobile technology facilitates HIPAA-sensitive...

An article from the Patient Safety in Surgery journal

23 May 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "Mobile device technology has revolutionized interpersonal communication, but the application of this technology to the physician-patient relationship remains limited due to concerns...
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Prescriber and patient-oriented behavioural...

Prescriber and patient-oriented behavioural...

An article from BMC Medicine

15 May 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "The increasing investment in malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) to differentiate malarial and non-malarial fevers, and an awareness of the need to improve case management of...
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Short message service use in clinical care through a...

9 May 2015

This study evaluated the opportunity for use of SMS technologies for chronic care management within a nursing education program.

